Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Danny and I met last November while playing snow football. We had mutual friends who would invite us along occasionally so we were able to hang out and have fun together. This friendship lasted until the beginning of January, when Danny realized how cute I am ;) and decided to help tackle me into the snow. What he didn''t realize was that I had my phone in my hand, and it had gone flying when he tackled me. We all searched for my lost phone, but after two hours we called it quits. Danny and his friends felt so bad for losing my phone that after we had gone to bed, they went out again to find it. And they did! The next day I had my phone back and I was so grateful! I texted all of the guys to say thank you and Danny texted me back almost immediately. We ended up texting through out the whole day and we went on our first date a couple of days later. We have been dating ever since :)

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